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Jadwal Shalat

Tentang Kami
Erman   Ema Malini
Fadhil Ilma   Ihsan Ilma   Salsabila Saumi Ilma
Lahir di: Sungai Penuh, Kerinci / 19 September 1963.
Pendidikan: Alumni Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Jurusan Akuntansi - Angkatan 82.

Ema Malini:
Lahir di: Padang / 01 Juli 1971.
Pendidikan: Alumni Fakultas Keguruan & Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang, Jurusan Bahasa Inggris - Angkatan 90.

Fadhil Ilma:
Lahir di: Padang / 19 Desember 1995.
Pendidikan: Fakultas Teknik, Jurusan Elektro, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang.

Ihsan Ilma:
Lahir di: Padang / 10 April 1998.
Pendidikan: Fakultas Teknik, Jurusan Mesin, Universitas Andalas, Padang.

Salsabila Saumi Ilma:
Lahir di: Batam / 3 Desember 2002.
Pendidikan: SMA Negeri 15, Batu Besar, Batam.



Islam and Buddhism

Many people become excited at the idea of becoming "different" or more "original." In almost every society since the dawn of history, some individuals have tried to stand out and draw attention to themselves by their life style, clothing, hairstyles, or distinctive way of speaking. They've managed to stir up public reaction and attract interest at the same time.
In recent years, Western societies have seen the emergence of an unusual current that draws attention to itself by its rather strange life style. It's made up of individuals who want to attract attention by adopting Eastern culture, beliefs, and philosophies—of which the most important is Buddhism.

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Islam and Karma

Many people today are looking for a way to establish a way of life that will bring them contentment, inner certainty and peace. Some of these seekers believe they will find the happiness and peace of mind they are looking for in religions such as Hinduism or Buddhism. Many people have been influenced by these eastern religions because of their aura of mystery and mysticism, and because they make use of techniques such as meditation, and because of the unusual attitudes, dress, manner of speech and religious practices of those who follow them. However, these religions espouse many beliefs and practices that conflict with reason and logic.

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Evidences of Creation

Signs of Allah

Allah is Known Through Reason
The Creation of the Universe
Allah's Artistry in Colour
For Men of Understanding
The Design in Nature
The Miracle in the Ant
The Miracle in the Atom
The Miracle of the Immune System
The Miracle in the Spider
The Secrets of DNA
The Miracle of the Creation in Plants
The Existence of God
Tell Me About the Creation

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East Turkestan

China entered the twentieth century as the remains of an empire fragmented and crushed under pressure from especially Britain, France, Germany, Japan and Russia. After imperial rule had been overthrown, no powerful central authority was established for decades. When the Communist Party came to power in 1949, China soon turned into a state of fear. That process cost the lives of tens of millions of people because of the repressive and totalitarian methods the communists used to enforce their bloody ideology. The Chinese Communist Party resorted to violence to remain in power, and implemented one of the most savage and ruthless form of communism ever, enforcing one single way of living and thinking for the entire Chinese people. Throughout that period, those who refused to abide by the rules of their communist leaders were ruthlessly exterminated.

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